- Cryptolepis, Alchornea, Sida acuta, & Bidens: synergize into a formidable and broad-based herbal strategy with significant systemic properties
- Salvia miltiorrhiza & Chenopodium ambrosioides: improves and stimulates endothelial production of nitric oxide, improving immune function and decreasing parasitized RBC adhesion to endothelium, thus overcoming a major microbial and parasitic survival strategy
- Ceanothus & Salvia: improve spleen-dependent clearance of babesial parasites with enhanced immune function and reduced inflammation of lymphatics and liver
- Eupatorium (Boneset): a potent disruptor of cytokines like TNF-alpha and IL-1beta and is used in herbal medicine to treat fevers, chills, and Immune-driven night sweats
- Copaiba essential oil: with active ingredient beta-caryophyllene, a phytocannabinoid, balances Cryptolepis Synergy through supporting the formation of nitric oxide, ROS, and improving antioxidant function